Mario: The Goal Update
This version of Mario is a practice problem only and will not be collected. You are encouraged to collaborate with classmates on this problem!
- Read and understand all of the Mario source code from the last track lesson.
- Add a pyramid of blocks to the generated level.
- Add a flag at the end of the level that either loads a new level or simply displays a victory message to the screen.
Distribution Code
Download this project’s distribution code.
It’s Game Time
Your second assignment in this track will be a step more difficult than the last, but charmingly tied back into an earlier problem set in the course; this time, rather than constructing a pyramid using hash marks, you’ll be creating a pyramid of tiles in a procedurally generated level. Additionally, you’ll create the characteristic end-of-level flag that delineates one level from another, choosing to either end the level with a message or transition to a brand new one!
Your goal:
Add a pyramid of blocks to the generated level. Taking into consideration the column-based generation we discussed in the track, find a way to generate a Mario-style pyramid like the below, placed directly atop the ground (ASCII flag to the right shown as well):
# ~ ## | ### | #### | ###############
You may choose to alter the pyramid such that it is symmetrical, but avoid a pyramid going the opposite direction, for Mario therefore won’t be able to climb it! Also be careful to avoid starting the generation too close to the end of the level :)
Add a flag at the end of the level that either loads a new level or simply displays a victory message to the screen. Also tied to generation, this time take the flag and flagpole sprites included in the distro’s sprite sheet and create a flagpole at the end of the level that, upon Mario’s collision, triggers either a victory message or a reloading of a brand new procedurally generated level.